Motion Director
Problem Statement
How do you create excitement for the release of a new Lebron James shoe while paying homage to the past?
For the release of Lebron James's 11th shoe, I worked on a film featuring Lebron and several variations of his new shoe. As the Motion Director, I closely assisted the director to ensure everything ran smoothly, both during the shoot and in post-production. The shine and detail of the diamond theme shoe were brought to life through the use of a Phantom Camera, both through film and posters.
Along with the shoe, I designed posters for each year Lebron played in the NBA, capturing a tribute and milestone he accomplished that year.
Project Objectives
Excite people about the release in order to have a successful launch.
Tell the story and the inspiration of the design of the shoe.
Pay homage to all historic designs.
Deliver a premium quality video and poster designs.
Gathering guidance from Nike on what's important to Lebron.
Tech research on how best to shoot the shoe to meet the standard.
User's Appeal
Lebron James
Anything new Lebron is involved in, people want to be a part of.
The foundation was inspired by Lebron with the ability to add a personal touch, allowing the item to be very impactful.
Being designed for basketball was only one aspect of the shoe. Being able to wear the item everyday created a lifestyle symbol.
Target Area
How do you get people excited about the release?
Target Area
The meaning behind the design.
Target Area
Personalization of the different color combinations.
Pay tribute to his career with a poster denoting each year and milestone in his career.
Learnings & Findings
Craft and quality are key to a successful project. Lebron’s career is due to his personal work ethic, dedication to detail and his overall love for the sport. This project was incredibly inspiring to me as I combined two of my loves, sports and art. Having meaning and passion behind the decisions makes the art more authentic.